Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Calm After The Storm

While I was on the phone with Joleen, I noticed how calm she could this be?? Her son was in a tragic accident.....

She began to explain the accident and the miracle that unfolded......chills whet up and down by spine, the hairs on my arms stood straight up....I was in amazed that Cole survived. Praise God!

There is so much detail as to what happened and I do not want to leave anything out, so in blog posts to follow we will hear the story of Cole's miracle and how God turned "Coal into a Diamonds".

In a very complicated scientific analogy, (which is way beyond my understanding) diamonds can form from coal, when the nature maturation of coal and extreme heat and pressure change its chemical composition over time.

In other words, I believe that God took "Cole" and under extreme heat and pressure is turing his situation into a diamond experience, and gave him a second chance at life.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Cole,
    I hope that today is a GOoD day and all is well. God bless you!
    Deb from Rejoice
